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thE ButtKrAaker Cabaret


a wild nigHt of

genDerfuCk, tRans, dYke, faG, quEer, quEer-heaRted, Frigid, aSexUal, tRashy, CeLiBate, gaMes, caBaret, diSco, aRT, peRformAnce, iNstallation…+more

19th JaNuaRi 07

dOors oPen 22:00 : caBaret sTarts midniGht

daMage: 2 eurO

(nO Entry during caBaret so come eArly!)

coMe dRessed uP tO gEt a SpecIal tReat!

this month featuRing: loRetta lynN, gOlden shower shaDow, VJ NUNSwGUNS, launch of Animal issuE of SLIT: dyKe seX mAg (www.slitmag.org)

…+more, more, more

if you’Ve got an Itch tO sTrut Your stuFf: cOme earLy on tHe night & adD yR oWn pErformance/inStallatioN…

oR cOntact: buttkraaker@riseup.net


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